Day 2: June 6, 2017

Today, we started the day off going to Du fu's cottage, which was absolutely beautiful and filled with bamboo. During the visit, we took a detour and did ice breaker activities with the group, and unfortunately, I stepped on poop while we were standing, so that was not so great. But, after, we went to a school called, "Chengdu Qing Yang District Special Education School" whose motto was, "For you, a thousand times over". The group was separated into two different groups based on the activities we were going to do: painting or ceramics. I was volunteered to be in the ceramics group and got partnered with a young boy, who was so energetic. We made a monster cup. After we were done, we went to go wash our hands, and he started to splash water at me, and we started a water war. I had an amazing time at the school and was bummed when we had to leave. But, later we went to a really good restaurant and had dinner with a translator who worked with Joe Biden and a bunch of other famous celebrities and found an interpreting competition, who had a really interesting background. I later learned during the dinner that he taught business etiquette at a business university in Chengdu, which was awesome for my topic. After dinner, we went to a opera tea house and saw a show, which I unfortunately missed a lot of because I was jet lagged and was falling asleep.

I know it has only been two days, but this day by far will be more of the memorable ones. I had such a fun time at the special needs school. I absolutely love being around kids and being able to help them. I truly can't express my happiness in words, but this special needs school is truly an amazing organization that does so much to help these kids and their parents. 

High: playing with the kids at the special needs school
Low: stepping in poop
Shoutout: jungwoo & ryan for playing good 60's music on the bus


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